Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

history of table tennis sport

Table tennis originated in Europe in the Middle Ages as a combination of old-fashioned game of tennis, lawn tennis and badminton. Became popular in the UK

in the mid-19th century by several names such as "ping pong", "gossima" and "whiff-whaff" dikreasikan as games of entertainment after dinner, complete with fans dressed for. the game is getting the container pertenismejaan world governing official on 15 January 1926 on the initiative of Dr. George Lehman from germany.

Table tennis in Indonesia around 1930's and only done at a general meeting of the Dutch, known as Societeit. Around the 1940s, has begun to enter into the civil society groups and Indonesia through the Ambtenaar (civil servants) Indonesia.

Containers that set the world pertenismejaan in Indonesia in Surabaya was formed in 1948 under the name "Association of All Indonesian Pingpong" abbreviated PPPSI, on the initiative of several prominent Indonesian table tennis from some cities, such as Surabaya, Surakarta and Yogyakarta. tennis

tables in Indonesia was introduced as the official name in 1951, as well as changing the name of a PTMSI PPPSI as an abbreviation of All Indonesia Table Tennis Association.

In the same year, PTMSI a member of Table Tennis Federation of Asia, abbreviated TTFA. Some Asian Championship organized by the TTFA was followed by PTMSI, mainly held in Singapore and Manila. In 1961 PTMSI officially a member of the International Table Tennis Federation, ITTF abbreviated, as a member of the 73.

PTMSI never absent in the world championships held since 1963, in any implementation is done. First participation for PTMSI was in Prague in 1963, followed by a balk son or daughter with the results of the rank-34 for boys and 31 for the girls.

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