Minggu, 10 Februari 2013


Volleyball game invented by William G. Morgan in 1895. He was a physical education coach at Young Men Christian Association
(YMCA) in the city of Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA. Name the original game "Mintonette", where the game is almost similar to badminton games (badminton). Unlimited number of players here in accordance with the original goal to develop physical fitness, gymnastics as well as general laborers.

William G. Morgan then went on to develop the idea of ​​the game is to reach the sport competed. The game name was changed to "Volley-Ball" which means approximately memvolley ball alternately. Development of the game of volleyball at that time in America is very quickly thanks to the efforts William G. Morgan.

In 1922 Y.M.C.A. successfully held national championship volleyball country of the United States. At the time of World War I allied soldiers disseminate this game kenegara Asian and European countries, especially Japan, China, India, the Philippines, Russia, France, Estonia, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia and Germany.

In World War II, the game is widespread throughout the world, especially in Europe and Asia. After World War II, achievements and popularity of volleyball in the United States declined, while in other countries, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia is growing very rapidly and massively. Given a volleyball tournament in the first (1947) in Poland participants enough, then in 1948 IVBF
(International Volley Ball Federation) ddidirikan the 15 states.
(Suharno HP, 1974:2)

Indonesia knows volleyball game since 1928 in the Dutch colonial era. Physical education teachers were imported from the Netherlands to develop the sport in general and volleyball in particular. In addition to physical education teachers, many Dutch troops play his part in the development of Indonesia voli.di ball, especially with playing in the dormitories, the field is open and hold a match between Company-Dutch Company itself.

Volleyball game in Indonesia is growing very rapidly throughout society, so that the emerging big city clubs throughout Indonesia. With this basis on January 22, 1955 PBVSI (Volleyball Association All-Indonesia) was established in Jakarta in conjunction with the first national championship. PBVSI since been actively developing activities either into or out of the country until now. Development of the game of volleyball is very prominent just before the Asian Games IV and I in jakarta Ganefo for both men and women Indonesia

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